001-Attic Windows |
002-Autumn Tints |
003-Basket |
004-Basket Weave |
005-Bat Wing |
006-Big Dipper |
007-Birds in the Air |
008-Bouquet |
009-Box |
010-Bowtie |
My Farmer's Wife Blocks...
Click (once) on the small block to enlarge for better viewing...
011-Broken Dishes |
012-BrokenSugar Bowl |
013-Buckwheat |
014-Butterfly at the Crossroads |
015-Buzzards Roost |
016-Calico Puzzle |
017-Cats & Mice |
018-Century of Progress |
019-Checkerboard |
020-Churn Dash |
021-Contrary Wife |
022-Corn & Beans |
023-Country Farm |
024-Country Path |
025-Cups & Saucers |
026-Cut Glass Dish |
027-Darting Birds |
028-Duck and Ducklings |
029-Economy |
030-End of Day |
031-Evening Star |
032-Farmers Daughter |
033-Farmers Puzzle |
034-Flock |
035-Flower Basket |
036-Flower Garden Path |
037-Flower Pot |
038-Four Winds |
039-Friendship |
040-Friendship Block |
041-Friendship Star |
042-Fruit Basket |
043-GardenPath |
044-Gentleman's Fancy |
045-Grape Basket |
046-Hill and Valley |
047-Homemaker |
048-Homeward Bound |
049-Honeycomb |
050-Honey's Choice |
051-Hovering Birds |
052-Hovering Hawks |
053-Jackknife |
054-Kitchen Woodbox |
055-Linolleum |
056-Maple Leaf |
057-Morning |
058-Mothers Dream |
059-Night and Day |
060-Noon & Light |
061-Northern Lights |
062-Old Windmill |
063-Ozark Maple Leaf |
064-Peace & Plenty |
065-Peaceful Hours |
066-Periwinkle |
067-Pine Tree |
068-Postage Stamp |
069-Practical Orchard |
070-Prairie Queen |